20 Questions
Hiya! We don’t know each other very well so I thought we might play a round of 20 questions to share a little more about me. Well, really 20 answers. So here we go!
I believe the best form of advertising is when you tell the truth.
Great campaigns are created through collaboration not ego.
I can bake a killer apple-blackberry pie.
My favorite novelist is Ali Smith.
B2B marketing is still between human beings and should act like it.
A small digital campaign and big global one should be treated equally.
I have 12 plants in my house.
My first pet was a dog named Poppy.
I’m allergic to cats but think they’re awesome anyway.
Language is powerful.
Love is the most powerful thing on earth.
An ABM ad shouldn’t make you want to bang your head against the wall.
Advertisements should do more than sell products.
My favorite poets are Dorianne Laux, Major Jackson, and Marie Howe.
I have watched every season of Call the Midwife twice.
I’m team Oxford Comma.
I am a father.
Along with my twin brother and the actress Samantha Morton I played a “Precog” in Steven Spieilberg’s Minority Report.
Putting good work into the world is more important than awards.
Brands are built out of honesty, collaboration, and storytelling.